Open Discovery is a Fedora 9 derived USB based distribution with open source Bioinformatics tools pre-installed.
It's nice that they are bundling all of this in a USB bootable distribution for all those Bioinformatians that prefer Windows. However, I'm curious why they chose to go for a whole new distribution rather then simple creating a new YUM repository, like RPM Fusion, that can be added to an existing standard Fedora install.
If you are interested Open Discovery includes:
- ClustalX
- Jalview
- Sequence Manipulation Suite(SMS2)
- Phylip
- Alfresco
- Mfold
- Pymol
- SwissPdb Viewer
- Cn3D
- Rasmol
- Jackal
- Swiss model
- Gromacs
- AutoDock
- PatchDock
- Open Babel
Via Bioinformatics.org
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